[78-L] fwd: FW: Sinatra Song Often Strikes Deadly Chord ^

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Tue Feb 9 06:24:26 PST 2010

The world outside of Europe couldn't care less about European pop hits except 
if they happen to win a competition AND someone does an English version or the 
artist is already a super star. And even then the song can be overexposed or 
overlicensed and go nowhere ("Mamy Blue").

And there's nothing arrogant about what I said about "Comme d'Habitude". It's 
not a good melody, it's a piece of crap in Anka's lyric, and somebody got 
really lucky.


Kristjan Saag wrote:
> I wrote:
>>>> Has anyone mentioned that "My Way" is a French song, "Comme 
> d'habitude",
>>>> written by Jacques Revaux and rewritten in collaboration 
> with singer 
>>>> Claude
>>>> Francois and lyricist Gilles Thibaut.
>>>> Here's the original:
>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQUq2w6_Rhw-- 
> David Lennick wrote:
>>> No..because nobody cares! The song was unknown until Anka made 
> it into a 
>>> hit.
>> --
> I answered:
>> Nobody, from a North American perspective, 
> in this case was France. Funny 
>> Anka should have picked it up on French television if it was 
> completely 
>> unknown.
> --
> David replied:
>> You know what I mean! If Anka hadn't picked up the song, who would 
> have heard 
>> of it outside France and possibly Quebec?
> --
> This is new to me. I thought there was a general interest in all kinds 
> of music on this list, not only World Wide Number One Hits that were 
> produced in North America. 
> As for knowing what you mean it would be easier if you'd state what you 
> mean, instead of making arrogant comments, reflecting the all too 
> familiar American attitude towards the rest of the world.
> Kristjan

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