[78-L] Removal of hiss - a different approach

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Mon Feb 8 14:42:52 PST 2010

I had to use the opposite approach a few years ago when I worked the all night 
shift at CFRB and wanted to play LPs that had been Lektrostatted to death, we 
didn't have a disc cleaner and they were refusing to buy any more Lektrostat 
since most of the "music universe" they wanted played was on CDs and carts. 
Screw 'em, I said..styli are easier to replace than LPs at this point. So I'd 
put a dime on the tone arm and play the track I wanted all the way through with 
the pot down while I had something else going. One play and the track was clean 
enough for me to put on air. And I never lost a stylus.


neechevoneeznayou at gmail.com wrote:
> Michael Biel wrote:
>   It has been said that if you wet-play a shellac records you will
>> never again be able to play it except wet.
> No one is more of an opponent of wet-playing than I am. I've transferred
> transcriptions that had been wet played and were noisy as heck until
> liquid was added to the equation. Some lacquers as well. It has been
> said? It has been experienced, by me. And yes, the gunk on your stylus
> used to be your record. That's why I was appalled when I saw someone
> doing this on TV, some who had been affiliated with LC who should have
> known better. We discussed all this on the list after it was broadcast.
> Names escape me. (UPDATE: In a post I read b4 sending this one off, Mike 
> Biel referenced the broadcast. IIRC that was done with the use of a 
> q-tip to spread water in front of the stylus as it played and was said 
> to be for CLEANING it? Do I recall correctly?)
> But the ironic part is that I've tried wet playing 78s that were NOT
> previously wet played, and I don't recall hearing an improvement on the
> sound. It was a while ago, so maybe I am not recalling correctly.
> But if it were a viable solution using common records, I might do it, if
> the producer would buy me a set of stylii first. Yea, that will happen...
> joe salerno


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