[78-L] Why dl isn't the only one buying his CDRs in the US

DAVID BURNHAM burnhamd at rogers.com
Fri Feb 5 11:52:54 PST 2010

A couple of days ago I went to Port Huron MI because I had to get my Net10 phone refilled and to look for good prices on CDRs.  In Canada, the best price I've seen in years for CDRs is $40.00 per 100 for a brand I was not familiar with, (Ridata).  Typically the prices range between the high $60s to over $80.  I went to the wal-mart in P.H. and found Memorex at $19 per 100.  I went next door to Mejhier's, which is just like a Wal-Mart exept it's spelled differently, (it's probably spelt differently than I spelled it too because I don't remember exactly how it was spelt).  They had the same Memorex spindle for around $17.  Since I prefer Sony CDRs, I asked the floor person where I might find those; she suggested that I try Target.  I went there and, sure enough, there were Sonys at $22 - a bargain by any Canadian standards.

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