[78-L] Lee Wiley/Liberty Music Shop

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Thu Jan 28 19:52:36 PST 2010

I didn't mention the other Gala style used on Dwight Fiske and Nan Blakstone 
and Charlie Drew discs. I've also seen a Canadian pressed Dwight Fiske disc, 
with something like "Distinctive Recordings, Toronto" on the label. This is a 
Sparton pressing.

Fiske's discs started out using numbers that were the last 2 or 3 digits of his 
Victor-pressed Fiskanas. Some were dubbed from them, I think, and then 
re-recorded. So "099" was originally Fiskana 36099.


Han Enderman wrote:
> Rust-6 gives another version, even more confusing:
> First session on "Gala / Rabson" 1, 2, 3.
> 2nd session on "Gala / Music Box / Rabson" 1, 2, 4.
> Actually the latter suggests that Gala is the orig., and Musix Box & Rabson are different labels.
> The Willie Howard and Belle Baker's albums have GALA in Olde English style, but also in 
> script style (Gala not in capitals).
> Dwight Fiske also exists on script Gala (# 187); pres. late issues.
> I also have a script Gala by Nan Blakstone "Manufactured in Canada".
> A Dwight Fiske (Two Horses) is on Gala 099 (12"). Did they number back from 100 ?
> Han Enderman
> ===
>>>> By the way, I was copying "Rabson's" straight from Rust and other listings. 
> I've become so used to seeing it that way for years I forgot that the proper 
> name of the label was Music Box
> <<<
> The Lee Wiley Gala labels have GALA in block letters, like many of the 
> hard-edged Dwight Fiske discs. Willie Howard and Belle Baker's albums have GALA 
> in Olde English style. Both Willie and Belle's albums have marquee artwork on 
> the cover and both are conducted by Harley Dainger (whoever he be). Belle's 
> album, btw, credits a guest appearance by the world's greatest trombonist, Muni 
> Zudekoff (= Buddy Morrow). 
> Willie's album is Gala #1, discs 1000/2. Belle's album is #3, discs 1006/8. 
> I don't know what album #2 is and for that matter, I've never found the Belle Baker album complete. 
> Belle's matrices are 103/108, Willie's matrices are 115/120 and were cut at two 
> different studios! #119 is clearly Reeves while the others look as if they were 
> cut at Schmuyle's Record-Your-Voice booth on Coney Island (or by Timely) and 
> the matrix numbers are machine-cut  with each "1" facing the wrong way, but the 
> numbers are not reversed. Willie's album says "Novelty Record Company" on the 
> labels. Belle's..no such credit. Rust says "c. 1940" for Belle and doesn't list 
> Willie at all. The liner notes to Willie's album refer to him as "now the star 
> of the Broadway hit, 1942 Priorities". The Belle Baker album has no notes.
> And now I see David Diehl with a review of the Willie Howard album and 
> "Favorite Mfg Co"! I think Gala got their stuff cut and pressed wherever they 
> could.
> <<<
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