[78-L] West/South African Zonophones

goldenbough at arcor.de goldenbough at arcor.de
Sat Jan 23 02:06:47 PST 2010

There were also other West African Zonophones of that period (mid-1920's). 
They were in the Zonophone E.Z. series - like E.Z 165 (the earliest that I have), 
up to E.Z. 495 (the latest that I have).  Some of these with German ELECTROLA 
half circle stickers on the upper half of the labels. 

Languages were: Jekri, Beni, Anecho, Ewe, Fanti, 'Creole'. 
Matrix numbers on my discs are between YX13475A  and  YX17566. 

I also have an acoustical South African Zonophone in M'Xhosa language: 
Zonophone-Twin 4140 with mxs   1001 o  and 1074 o ('Recorded in Johannesburg')
Can somebody give me a date for these o-series matrices? 

(BTW, my 600+ African 78s collection will be up for sale this year. Catalog to be 
published soon. Contact me off-list, if interested in receiving a copy by mail)  


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