[78-L] Portable record player

Michael Biel mbiel at mbiel.com
Tue Jan 5 00:15:47 PST 2010

From: eugene hayhoe <jazzme48912 at yahoo.com>
> It seems those in the 'developed' countries have the choice of
> corporate statism or state corporatism, I'm not a fan of either,
> as neither make good records.  Gene

On the contrary, I love collecting records from these state-run record
companies.  Songs like "I Love My Tractor" are wonderful souvenirs.  I
just got some "retro" CDs of songs from the Soviet years, the pop stuff
they didn't export at the time and you used to be able to find only if
you went there.  The fake bossa nova and rock are hysterical.  

Mike Biel  mbiel at mbiel.com

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