[78-L] Gradual pitch shifting

DAVID BURNHAM burnhamd at rogers.com
Wed Dec 23 12:25:31 PST 2009

Generally, changing the pitch of a recording without changing the 
tempo can introduce a lot of distortion. This is also true of 
changing the tempo without changing the pitch. Changing the pitch and 
tempo the same amount usually doesn't introduce audible distortion. I 
wouldn't expect this to be any different just because the amount of 
change increases (or decreases) gradually over the course of the recording.

                        -        Jeff Lichtman


You're absolutely right!

The common situation in recording where pitch shifting is needed is when recording acapella choirs.  Usually the pitch drift is slight enough that the pitch can be corrected without worrying about the small tempo change and the correction is unnoticeable.


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