[78-L] Columbia A2626 question

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Fri Dec 4 20:53:31 PST 2009

Tyrone Settlemier wrote:
> Yeah, well, light travels at a different speed in water than in the air, and 
> Einstein proved that time is relative and related to the speed of light, and 
> I think that they may have crossed the International Month Line in transit, 
> and it's really too complicated to explain, but when you really think about 
> it, it's all perfectly logical.
> Oh, nevermind.
> Tyrone
> PS does anybody have a copy of the Columbia Master Book handy?

Yes..what'cha need?

> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>> Could somebody supply recording data for Columbia A2626 (77693) The 
>>> Battle in the Air / (77694) The Submarine Attack Somewhere at Sea by 
>>> Peerless Quartette? Ty's site lists Jan. 1918 for one side and Feb. for 
>>> the other.
>>> Thanks,
>>> DJD
>> Rust lists them both as Feb 27, 1918.  I guess Ty thought they couldn't
>> be at sea and in the air on the same day!!!
>> Mike Biel 
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