[78-L] Victor discography pages cached

Stephen Davies SDavies at mtroyal.ca
Sat Nov 28 10:58:56 PST 2009

If, like me, you are a frequent referrer to the Encyclopedic Discography of Victor Recordings (EDVR) at UC Santa Barbara, and if you too are inconvenienced by the database problems which browsers currently experience, you can still find your disc info at the UCSB site.
I have not been able to use EDVR since Thursday night, altho some pages will eventually appear.  Usually I get a database error message.
I tried to find a back door into the database, but instead found that most of the pages (probably all) are cached courtesy of Google.  So using the top search box of the UCSB homepage [  http://ucsb.edu ] with terms like EDVR & the matrix or catalogue number will find you a link to the page you need.  Don't click the primary link, since that's the one that's not working, but click the "Cached" link instead.
The only difference with the cached page is that the links to other pages don't work.  You'll need to submit a refined search to go further.
E.g. I searched EDVR 4696 to find my disc's matrix number, and then searched EDVR E-3147 to find the take number and other recording info.
Here's hoping the proper database is back up soon.

- Stephen D
in Calgary [former Olympic city]

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