[78-L] Symphonie Fantastique

DAVID BURNHAM burnhamd at rogers.com
Fri Nov 13 09:45:45 PST 2009

Weingartner's recording of "Symphonie Fantastique" was recorded in November of 1925, according to my information.  This, according to a correspondant of mine, is an accoustic recording.  I have the recording, although I haven't listened to it for many years, I was never very impressed with the sound but I always thought it was very early electric.  I have other records with the Viva~Tonal designation and the "VE" symbol which sound accoustic although they are supposed to be electrical.  The Berlioz  discs have the Viva~Tonal looking lable but they don't have that designation.  It seems strange to me that such a dynamic work would have been recorded accoustically when electrical recording technology was already well established..


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