[78-L] Classical stuff

neechevoneeznayou at gmail.com neechevoneeznayou at gmail.com
Mon Nov 9 13:29:36 PST 2009

I should also mention that I am classical collector, altho that is 
generally known, I would think. But if we have new people on the list, 
we should let them know, as new folks are added .....

I collect OTR, classical music, especially the great pianists, and my 
particular interests are Schnabel, Kapell, Hofmann, Rachmaninoff, 
Lhevinne.....and quite a few others really.

joe salerno

Ted Kneebone wrote:
> I have several reels of tape dubbed from my 78rpm collection.
> Before leaving the library at Northern State University in 1960, I donated 
> my 78rpm collection.  But even before letting go of my "treasures" I dubbed 
> many of them to open reel tape.
> Last year, I dubbed those reels to CD and my hard drive.  If anyone is 
> interested in getting .wav files on CD, or even cassettes, I would be happy 
> to do some trading.
> I think my oldest album was Koussevitzky's version of "Pictures at an 
> exhibition."  Some of my stuff has been remastered and is on commercial CDs 
> now, including the Musorgskii pictures.
> I could put together a list of what I have from my reels (from 78s), if 
> anyone is interested.
> Also, I have many LPs of classical music.
> Ted Kneebone. 1528 S. Grant St., Aberdeen, SD 57401. Phone: 605-226-3344.
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