[78-L] Hawaiian Trio on Canadian radio ^

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Fri Aug 28 20:29:18 PDT 2009

From: "Donna Halper" <dlh at donnahalper.com>
>> At 12:30 PM 8/28/2009, Mal wrote:
>>> The only two Hawaiians I know of that were living in Canada c. 1922 and
>>> recording were Ben Hokea and Al Nani. And they recorded mostly for HMV
>>> in Montreal. They did tests (rejected) for Victor in NYC in 1919, though.
>> I do have access to this database for another few days, and while 
>> it's not the greatest, it does let me read old issues of the Toronto 
>> Star going as far back as 1894.  If there is anyone you'd like me to 
>> search for, it would be my pleasure.    

Mine uncle Hoibie, if you vouldn't mind..ask him vere de hell he hid de gelt 
already. Ve've ripped up every piece of foiniture in de house. I tink de old 
bestid took it vit him.


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