[78-L] Moldy records

DAVID BURNHAM burnhamd at rogers.com
Tue Aug 11 12:38:02 PDT 2009

I've had thousands of records in my basement and a garage which experiences the temperature extremes of Southern Ontario's summers and winters and I've seen no evidence of damage to the records - but I don't check them very often.  I never bring a record in from the garage during the winter because of the vapour that forms on the surface when the cold record meets the warmth of the house.

A friend of mine, (although I haven't seen him for many years, don't know if he's even still with us - Whitney Richardson) once told me he got excellent results cleaning records by putting them in a metal film container, submerging them in warm water and adding a couple of Polident tablets.  I've never tried it, mainly because I don't have any metal film containers.


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