[78-L] Unfinished recording [was Acoustic-era monitoring]

Steven C. Barr stevenc at interlinks.net
Sun Aug 9 19:22:56 PDT 2009

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Julian Vein" <julianvein at blueyonder.co.uk>
> Steven C. Barr wrote:
>> Personally, I would record "live off the floor" into TWO mikes 
>> (stereo?!),
>> with NO "final mix-down!!" The only time I tried multi-track (each player
>> on his/her/its separate track?!) recording...well, the recording was 
>> almost
>> NEVER finished...each musician insisted that he/she/it could improve his/
>> her/its track, given a second chance...?!
>> Steven C. Barr
> ===========================
> A similar situation pertains to the use of the PC. Remember the old days
> when one wrote (or typed) a letter? When you finished you'd read it over
> and, if there were only minor corrections, you'd make them and send the
> letter on its merry way.
> Nowadays, however, when one has finished a letter on a PC, you look it
> over and ask yourself if there are any improvements to be made. If there
> aren't you still hang on in case something comes to mind.
> "Are there any ways I can improve how I've expressed myself? I'll hang
> on till tomorrow to see if anything comes to mind."
To make things worse...ESPECIALLY given the "functional illiteracy" of
the vast majority of folkses these days...the one "edit" that is ALWAYS
used is a final "check" using the typing-program's "spell check!" This is
only a problem because to-day's "writers" have NO freaking idea how
to spell words beyond "a," "an" or "the"...and generally MIS-spell words
so badly that "spell check" substitutes an entirely DIFFERENT word,
based on the party's attempt at spelling!

This wouldn't be a serious problem were it not that it appears in virtually
ALL newspapers; only a familiarity with common "spell-check errors"
enables the reader to make an intelligent guess as to what the effectively-
illiterate "writer" WANTED to say...?!

Steven C. Barr
(who is usually spell-checked to "Steven C. BRA?!) 

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