[78-L] Catalogues - HV 1928, HMV 1930, Edison 1899 - 1901

Maria Fletcher riafletcher at gmail.com
Sat Aug 8 17:25:23 PDT 2009

Hi all,

First, many thanks to you all for helping with my enquries regarding Jo
Baker and Australian pressing companies.

For information, I have just picked up three catalogues:

A Numerical Catalogue of Edison Records for the Concert, compiled by Peter
Betz; A catalogue of the series issued 1899 - 1901, November, 1968, London,
Phonograph and Gramophone Society.

His Master's Voice Records, Record Catalogue, 1928
His Master's Voice Records, Record Catalogue, 1930 (Stamped Australian

If anyone would like me to check or look up references, please just let me


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