[78-L] Stereo half-track tapes

Sammy Jones sjones69 at bellsouth.net
Fri Aug 7 12:53:15 PDT 2009

Royal Pemberton wrote:

"'Pre-emphasis EQ'?  NAB curve is NAB curve (or IEC aka CCIR, etc.)
regardless of track widths.  There is also the previously unmentioned
phenomenon of 'fringe effect' whereby the low frequencies will be slightly
more predominant due to the recorded track widths being wider than the gaps
in the reproduce head."

Regarding the EQ, I read somewhere there was a difference, but I'll admit I certainly could be wrong on that point!  Certainly aside from changing from NAB to IEC, there's no other switch on my Technics machine.

I forgot to mention the "fringe effect;" thanks for bringing it up!

Sammy Jones

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