[78-L] Historic Masters.

Spats spats47 at ntlworld.com
Thu Jul 30 03:31:05 PDT 2009

Hi Milan!

I have every single HM record.
They vary greatly.
There's obviously no noise at all from the vinyl.
Any noise will emanate from the condition of the old metal parts from 
which they are pressed.
Sometimes, they're pretty well mint; other times there's some noise.

HOWEVER, they never put out any record if those metal parts are 
REALLY in bad condition, so they are always pretty good to listen 
too. Of-course, you have to play them with a light-weight pick-up.


At 2:49 am -0700 30/7/2009, 78-l-request at klickitat.78online.com wrote:
>Message: 10
>Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 04:50:13 +0200
>From: "Milan P Milovanovic" <milanpmilovanovic4 at gmail.com>
>Hello Earl,
>how about sound on these records?
>I never had chance to hear (newly pressed) Historic Masters 78rpm disc.
>Are those without noise and crackles?
>Are there any comparison between here described and original issues in terms
>of quality of reproduction?

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