[78-L] Introduction (a bit long)

Jeff Lichtman jeff at swazoo.com
Sat Jul 11 20:34:01 PDT 2009

> From what I havew read on Joe Venuti,I wouldn't put it past him to 
> do something like that.
>I don't think it tops Venuti hiring 37 bass players who met at a 
>street intersection or him
>sawing away at Wingy Manonne's wooden prosthesis.

Or dumping a sack of flour in someone's tuba, or he and some drunken 
friends pushing a piano out a window on a bet about what chord it 
would make when it hit the ground.

                        -        Jeff Lichtman
                                 jeff at swazoo.com
                                 Check out Swazoo Koolak's Web Jukebox at

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