[78-L] stereo, ca. 1932

lastofthebarons lastofthebarons at mac.com
Wed Jul 8 10:34:04 PDT 2009

There is, of course, the well known 3 Feb 1932 stereo recordings of   
Duke Ellington and His Orchestra by RCA Victor. What were previously  
thought to be two takes are in fact separate recordings of the same  
take, which provide the left and right channels. I don't know if the  
original intent was to produce a stereo  or whether the result was a  
lucky by-product of making two recordings in case one master was  
damaged. Whatever, the results speak for themselves.

Best wishes,

On 8 Jul 2009, at 02:31, joe at salerno.com wrote:

> A brief article - mentions the BBC's attempt at a stereo broadcast in
> Dec. 1925
> http://www.sequenza21.com/index.php/1480
> and he directs interested readers to -
> http://www.stokowski.org/Harvey%20Fletcher%20Bell%20Labs%20Recordings.htm
> to learn more about the Philadelphia Experiment - the one with
> stereophonic recording of the P.O. broadcasts, I mean.
> joe salerno
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