[78-L] Got the 78 system kludged together...

Mike Shaffer mkshffr at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 16 18:39:07 PDT 2009

so now I need to dig out grandpa's records. The head shell on the GE tone arm on my TD-124 was the wrong size for my newly acquired RPX triple play so I had to kludge something out of a fiberboard'ish electrical switch box and cobble some wiring together out of an old console TT but oddly enough it worked surprisingly well. Some of my wife's dad's records were accessible so I grabbed a couple of those for a spin. They looked horrible but sounded unbelievably good. Spun some Benny Goodman, Frankie Carne (sp?) and a couple of others.
My ghetto head shell was a bit on the light side so I was only able to get about 5 grams. It sounded fine but sometimes it skittered about a bit in the runout grooves so I suspect it would like another gram or two.
But we proved that the cart works so I can start looking for a proper head shell. Now go t to get the tube amp finished. :)


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