[78-L] Capitolians on CD or mp3

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Thu May 28 19:58:36 PDT 2009

That's one of them! Blondy is by the Ramblers, October 11/29, from Harmonh 
1041-H. The Columbia Book identifies it as by the Golden Gate Orchestra, 
vocalist "Marvin Young" (Irving the K). Marianne is from the same show and 
would have logically been paired on 1079-P for theater sales but I can't find 
any recording of it other than the Cliquot Club Eskimos. Note, there are two 
songs called Marianne..the other one is by Romberg, from The New Moon, and 
Whiteman recorded it. Just to drive you crazy. The Turk-Ahlert "Marianne" ain't 
in Rust and ain't in the Columbia books.

Nice label on those Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Columbias..gold on black. Makes up for 
the fact that they're some of the worst late acousticals ever.


Mark L. Bardenwerper, Sr. wrote:
> I see in this auction a record by the Capitolians
> http://www.bluesworld.com/78Auc41.html
> 1340 Capitolians Metro Goldwyn Mayer 1079 Blondy/Marianne sld V+
> Is this the Metro Goldwyn Mayer of old?
> Would you have any disco info on it?
> Here is the Paramounteers record you must be referring to
> Ebay 33033359032
> And, as always, Thanks for your help!

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