[78-L] Sniping

Ken Matheson kenmath at yahoo.com
Sat May 16 08:57:56 PDT 2009

    Sniping does not affect me when I bid on Evay. Bidding on an item and having someone keep raising you is the reason people snipe. An item will not have any bids until I bid, then it is bid, bid, bid. The bad part of sniping is, if you do it correctly, you have only one chance. The computer clock is not good enough for sniping, it takes high speed internet, and a GPS, or atomic clock. My bad memory causes me to lose out on many items I would like to have. I have to set up an alarm clock to remind me to bid. It does no good to have an auto bidding service if you are to cheap to bid a reasonable amount on a hot item. Although days before hand, I have bid an unreasonable low amount on items I did not care if I bought or not, and won. 


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