[78-L] This Will Make Radio Even MORE Dead

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Mon May 11 07:48:12 PDT 2009

Should have clarified..Canadian radio station libraries only.

David Lennick wrote:
> The Compo Company in Canada instituted a ban on radio play of all Decca (and I 
> presume Apex and Starr) records unless a fee was paid. This happened in 1940 
> and lasted into 1949. No other record company did this and eventually the radio 
> stations started playing Decca records with impunity..one DJ told me that the 
> first disc they played was "Goodnight, Irene". One side effect is that I never 
> find pre-1949 Decca records in radio station libraries, except for reissues.
> dl

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