[78-L] Record label pics

I. Cubillo i.cubillo at telefonica.net
Fri May 8 01:59:30 PDT 2009

A 78-devoted site where you can upload MP3s? I vote for it!
Nevertheless, it'd need a manager that filters files before uploading... a
sort of:

- first upload into a "Waiting For Manager Approval" place.
- then, if the file is OK, the manager would upload it onto the main site
for everybody. If not, he'd e-mail the uploader for additions/amendments...

Just to fill up the need of someone who could asess the quality and format
of the file proposed for uploading, if it's in the right format, if the size
responds to the standards previoulsy issued, if the transfer has been
rightly done, etc.

Iñigo Cubillo
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sam Hopper" <sam at bytesite.com.au>
To: "78-L Mail List" <78-l at klickitat.78online.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 4:07 AM
Subject: [78-L] Record label pics

> Some members of 78-L were discussing picture labels the other week (I
> deleted the emails so I'm not 100% sure). There was discussion
> relating to the idea of setting up a storage space/blogging site for
> collectors of 78s.
> I am a collector of 78s (have been for over 20 years) but I am also
> website designer by trade and I am willing to set up a site for
> collectors if there is a need for it.
> It would be hosted at a space specifically relating to 78s (ie. domain
> name reflecting this fact).
> If there is a call for this, I am willing to create a multiuser site
> suitable for blogging, photo galleries and mp3 file uploads - BUT, is
> there a calling for something like this for 78 collectors?
> The site would take about a week to create, and it would be free (with
> a little advertising to help with hosting cost).
> I'd be interested in getting feedback for collectors.
> Is there a need for this?????

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