[78-L] MMe Landowska ^

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Sat Apr 18 07:41:03 PDT 2009

Bill Knowlton wrote:
> "Also, there is the famous Wanda Landowska Scarlatti harpsichord record made
> in Paris, just before it fell to the Nazis in 1940 where you can hear the
> sound of explosions outside the studio".
> That explains why, in the 1950s when Mme Landowska prepared to record for Victor in her Lakeville CT home she actually had the chutzpah to call the local State Police and tell them to stop all traffic on Route 44 while she was making records! 
> The police were so astonished by this strange request they actually complied!
Hey..whatever works! We had a French teacher in high school who managed to get 
the nearby Downsview Airport (Armed Forces Base) to shut down operations for a 
half hour during a major dictated test so there'd be no distractions.


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