[78-L] Recording levels

Ken Matheson kenmath at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 9 11:53:51 PDT 2009

I would like to take a survey of people who make CDs, MP3s,
other music files from, records, TV, DVDs, CDs, or other

1. First, what audio level on your recording program do you use,
    0, -3,-10db, etc.

2. About how many have you done, a rough guess will do.

3. How into recording are you.
A. Lightly, just for the car, orMP3 player, and no restoration.
B. Medium, more critical, sometimes use .wav files, may run
    an easy noise program.
C. Audiophile, use big .wav files, use a good restoration program,
     and must be close to CD quality.


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