[78-L] Eddie Jackson aka Michigan J. Frog

Malcolm Rockwell malcolm at 78data.com
Wed Apr 1 09:13:05 PDT 2009

Aaak. Blosson & Benny look like Jack the Ripper and one of his victims.
Thanks (I think),


David Weiner wrote:
>> He LOOKS like a frog on that violently-colored cover, which may be the
> most
>> frightening in the history of album jackets, second only to the Blossom
>> Seeley-Benny Fields Mercury LP. 
>> On that one, they both look as if they had been garishly made up by an
>> embalmer, then buried, then dug up three years later and dressed for the
>> photo!
>> Dave W. 
>> _______________________________________________
> Please post both of them somewhere.
> Mal
> ---------
> Both albums are fortuitously on eBoingg right now -
> Eddie Jackson - http://tinyurl.com/cfu7t4
> Blossom & Benny - http://tinyurl.com/cnu35o
> Though these fairly small pictures don't fully capture their hideousness. 
> Dave 

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