[78-L] ? Bernard Herrmann, 1947-51

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Mon Mar 30 21:17:28 PDT 2009

The Macbeth set was recorded in April 1940 (probably during filming of Citizen 
Kane, and the lousy audio quality suggests that it might have been recorded on 
optical film) and issued late in 1940 as Columbia album C-33. Renumbered in 
1949 as MM 792. (Yes kiddies, there were C- albums that were not ten-inch red 

And that may yet be the only Bernard Herrmann material ever issued on 78 prior 
to the 50s when isolated film themes may have been done by pop orchestras. The 
"Hangover Square" piece was recorded in 1945 but not issued till it came out on 
a Camden LP.


Michael Biel wrote:
> David Lennick wrote:
>> Of course there isn't one performance listed there that anyone could have gone 
>> out and bought and brought home, but a discography is a discography. Sorta.
> Actually this just seems to be a tape listing, and maybe the number 
> above it is a disc catalog number.  Those numbers seem to be the type of 
> thing that the archive itself gave the discs, and there is no details of 
> what they really were. 
> But more important, it does not answer the question of what 78s were 
> issued during that era.  And furthermore, the original question was what 
> was he doing during 1947-1951. This list shows some 1947 and 1949 
> concerts, but nothing in 1948 or anything after 1949 until some 1956 
> recordings made in England. 
> Mike Biel  mbiel at mbiel.com 
>> If I'm not mistaken, there IS one broadcast performance conducted by Herrmann 
>> that may have come out on LP, probably something with Louis Kaufman as soloist. 
>> And some of the Mercury Theater On The Air programs have been issued over the 
>> years, beginning with War Of The Worlds.
>> dl
>> David Lewis wrote:
>>> Mr. Lennick wrote:
>>> Let's see..a 78RPM discography for Benny Herrmann....
>>> MACBETH..Orson Welles/Mercury Theatre Company, Columbia, 1941
>>> HANGOVER SQUARE PIANO CONCERTO..Janssen Symphony of Los Angeles, Victor, 
>>> unreleased on 78, Camden LP (c. 1955)
>>> Betcha that's it.
>>> xxx
>>> Ohhh I wouldn' say thaaaat...
>>> http://content.cdlib.org/view?docId=tf438nb3jd&chunk.id=c02-
>>> Uncle Dave Lewis
>>> uncledavelewis at hotmail.com

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