[78-L] Odeon acoustic beauty

RAY KILCOYNE kil at roadrunner.com
Wed Mar 25 16:13:45 PDT 2009

> The Lindstrohm acoustic masters released by OKeh in America in the 
> mid-'20s
> were outstanding in sound quality.  This past weekend I picked up a 12" 
> Odeon
> (red lable) 3037 of Marek Weber and his Orch doing "Dreaming"/"Souvenir d
> Marie".  Absolutely lovely!  Clean grooves, almost electrical in  sound. 
> Does
> anyone know the recording date(s) for this record?
> One side ("Dreaming") is by Archibald Joyce, a British composer.  Does
> anyone know of other Joyce compositions on 78s?  Or CDs, for that  matter? 
> I love
> his music.
> Don Chichester
ASCAP says there's one by the Louis Katzman Orchestra called THE THOUSAND 
KISSES.  Joyce wasn't too prolific.

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