[78-L] Erica Von Hausmann on Odeon

Per Backman listpelle at tufftuff.net
Sat Mar 14 17:36:09 PDT 2009

No, they are from Parlophon, as Edith Lorand Orchester on B. 48253. They should be recorded before 1933 as Edith Lorand was Jewish and got in trouble very quickly after Hitler came to power. Her recordings were used for a long time, as Erica von Hausmann on Gloria and anonymously on various other labels.

Per B.

>There are no prefixes to the matrix numbers.
>= = = = = = = = = = = =
>Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2009 08:45:25 +0100
>From: "Per Backman" <listpelle at tufftuff.net>
>Subject: Re: [78-L] Erica Von Hausmann on Odeon
>To: "78-L Mail List" <78-l at klickitat.78online.com>
>Message-ID: <200903140845246205414 at tufftuff.net>
>Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="iso-8859-1"
>And after a bit of Googling, Erica v. Hausmann is Edith Lorand. Probably recorded in 
>Berlin and from Parlophon.
>Per B.
>>The titles are from "Ball im Savoy", an operetta by Paul Abraham, popular 
>around 1934. Are there not any letters before the matrix numbers?
>>Per B.
>>>I turned up a copy of Erica Von Hausmann e la sua Orchestre on Odeon GO 17648.  
>The prefix appears to be GO, but I'm not absolutely certain of the >first letter.  
>Titles are "Tangolit" (not sure about first and last letters, as they are quite 
>faded - mx 133714) and "Toujours L'Amour" (mx 133713).  I can't >find much 
>about Hausmann that I can understand, although appears possibly to be Austrian.  The 
>Odeon, I expect, is Portuguese, but I'd like confirmation >and I'm curious to know 
>when and where it was originally recorded.

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