[78-L] He knows if you've been bad or good...

Royal Pemberton ampex354 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 10 10:34:13 PDT 2009

Oink vey!

On 3/10/09, Taylor Bowie <bowiebks at isomedia.com> wrote:
>  _________________________
>> "Tell Me A Story" was far more annoying. The Jackson 5's cover of
>> "Mommy/Santa"
>> can actually make me want to throw things.
>> dl
> Even worse is the maniacal and insistent Jackson 5 version of Santa Claus is
> Coming to Town,  where Little Mikey repeats and repeats how it yells in my
> ears "SAN-ta Claus is coming to town;  SAN-ta Claus is coming to town..."
> Hope those kids all got lumps of coal the year that one came out.
> I hope this doesn't hurt anyone's feelings but I want to note that,  despite
> my frequent liking of sentimental stuff,   the one modern Xmas song which I
> do loathe is The Little Drummer Boy...in any version.  Pah-rump-a-pump-pum
> right back at you,  buster.
> Of the old-timers,  I get upset if I'm forced to listen to Carol of the
> Bells for more than about ten seconds.
> Hmm...this thread  isn't exactly Christmas in July but it's close.
> Taylor
> And then there was the song the pig sang after he was moved to the
> slaughterhouse in early December: "I'll be Ham For Christmas."
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