[78-L] Jack Denny, brief bio

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Thu Jan 22 13:37:09 PST 2009

Julian Vein wrote:
>> Denny's Brunswicks do nothing for me, but recording quality may be a factor.
>> dl
> =============
> The ones recorded in Plattsburg are particularly poor. I collect Denny 
> for the vocals by Dick Robertson and Scrappy Lambert, no other reason.
>       Julian Vein
I seem to remember dreary sound and pitch problems. Brunswick often dubbed its 
masters in the 20s, unlike other labels..sometimes the sound is fine, sometimes 
it's blechh. Plattsburg was used as a recording location for many Canadian 
artists, although you'd think it would have been easier to bring the equipment 
into Montreal than to move whole orchestras over the border. And per Ross 
Laird, some sides WERE recorded in Montreal.


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