[78-L] Our quad-annual rantfest

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Wed Jan 21 20:15:32 PST 2009

3 departures that I'm aware of.


Tyrone Settlemier wrote:
> These off-topic rants always end up with the group losing valuable 
> knowledge, when people get offended and leave. What is the purpose of that? 
> Who is served? Is the power of broadcasting your political convictions 
> really worth the cost? Perhaps it is personally, but you are making other 
> people pay the price, something no one else has asked for. No matter your 
> background, the Golden Rule always applies. Please review it on occasion.
> If you're posting off-topic, inflammatory posts, please knock it off. Good 
> people are leaving, hopefully they will come back.
> If you are offended the posts of a few people, by far in the minority of the 
> group as a whole, please ignore. Rants don't go very far when no one 
> responds.
> 78-L is the oldest and most diverse group for collectors and researchers of 
> old music. Let's keep it diverse, not divisive.
> Many thanks!
> Tyrone

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