[78-L] end of 525-line television ^

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Wed Jan 7 20:45:28 PST 2009

Michael Shoshani wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-01-07 at 16:28 -0700, Michael Biel wrote:
>> I think there are going to be BIG problems when the change
>> comes.  I'm testing my Digital TV down in Birmingham and find it hard to
>> maintain a digital signal, and when I was in Brooklyn it was hard to get
>> all the stations at all.  In Kentucky I'm om range of only one station,
>> our local PBS.  What fringe I can get will be GONE!!!!!
> I got two words: Radio Renaissance. 
> Watch and see. Well...maybe "listen" is a better word.
> MS

Everybody gets their television off the Internet now. Their radio too. And 
their music. Everybody knows that. No need for cable, antennas, record stores.. 
the world is run by the 20-year-old mentality.


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