[78-L] Matrix numbers [Victor, anyway]

Chris Zwarg doctordisc at truesoundtransfers.de
Sun Dec 7 13:52:49 PST 2008

>>On 12/7/08, Michael Biel <mbiel at mbiel.com> wrote:
>>> P G C wrote:
>>>> I have here some pre 1910 red seal discs. they have the catalog number and
>>>> the matrix? pressed on the shellac.
>>>> But I also can see a samall crown symbol besides the caltalog numbrer,
>>>> since they are single sided an "angel" like logo graved (trade Mark).
>>>> One label (paper) reads "Gramahone Monarch Record" (Milano) "535 1/2 c"
>>>> with catalog 063068, 

This should be 053068, was recorded in Milano in September 1905, and yours is an European issue (also sold in South America at the time as imported records).

>other has "Victrola" as the brand, (Titta Ruffo,
>>>> singing) "1329 c" (not hand written) Catalog 92042 crown in the disc or
>>>> 90024 (s) in the label

Another Milano recording, this from November 1907, and this is a US pressing from an imported matrix.

No records with "Victor" or "Victrola" prominently on the label were regularly sold in Europe, OTOH no "Gramophone Record" or "His Master's Voice" labelled discs were regularly sold in the USA, although both branches of the Company used the Nipper logo and the "Writing Angel" back for single-sided discs. Canadian pressings often combine both styles as "His Master's Voice - Victor" while generally following the US label layout rather than the European one.

Chris Zwarg 

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