[78-L] Matrix numbers [Victor, anyway]

Chris Zwarg doctordisc at truesoundtransfers.de
Sun Dec 7 00:42:03 PST 2008

At 03:40 07.12.2008, you wrote:
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Mike Harkin" <harkinmike at yahoo.com>
>> Classical Victors from the various branches of HMV do have those mxx on 
>> the
>> wax.  Don't remember if they have Victor's mxx also, either in the wax or
>> printed on the label....
>Sides obtained from the various "overseas" HMV branches DO show their
>matrix number...which was on the European stampers sent to (RCA) Victor!
>In the "wax," though...not on the label. And, AFAIK, they were NOT given
>US matrix numbers as controls!

After ca. 1928, Victor matrices as control nrs. do appear at least in the ledgers for imported recordings. They rarely bothered to remove the original HMV matrix nr. however, and as the Victor "equivalent" doesn't show in the matrix anyway, no much difference from the customer's/collector's viewpoint. HMV recordings on Victor *without* the HMV mx. showing are usually US-made dubs; if acoustic, they will show the typical S/8 mark denoting a Victor dub.

>However, SOME (not ALL) Red Seals DO show their matrix numbers on the
>labels...in parentheses under the catalog numbers. I've never figured out 
>why this practice took place...!

Nothing to do with Red Seal AFAIK, but a short-lived practice for all current series sometime around 1928 (which was of course the time when large parts of RS repertoire were remade electrically, so it might be most commonly seen on this type of record).

Chris Zwarg 

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