[78-L] LP-WW1, first president^

Julian Vein julianvein at blueyonder.co.uk
Tue Dec 2 00:36:36 PST 2008

Jim Whipkey wrote:

> My fifth grade teacher tried to give me a failing grade on a history test
> because   just one of the answers disagreed with  her  teachings!  The
> question was "Who was the first  president  of the newly formed United
> States" and I  correctly answered John Hanson of Maryland, who was indeed
> the first president of the continental congress and  George Washington was
> the 8th  man to  have the title of president in the new democracy.  My
> Father intervened with Miss Irene Best (Yep, it really was her name and Dad
> had  her for fifth grade  more than 30 years earlier)  Still remember how
> proud I was of Dad when he showed her  the documentation in the teacher's
> own  history book and told her to either pass me,  fail the rest of the
> class or learn  to be  really specific when composing questions for her
> tests or he would  take it up with the school board.
> Even at the age of 10, I  insisted on  specificity.
> Jim Whipkey
> _______________________________________________
Related question: Who was the first Prime Minister in Britain?

      Julian Vein

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