[78-L] Columbia Record DIscography

Chris Zwarg doctordisc at truesoundtransfers.de
Mon Nov 10 09:13:21 PST 2008

At 17:56 10.11.2008, you wrote:
>Chris Zwarg wrote:
>> At 17:06 10.11.2008, you wrote:
>>> According to the data you gave in this list, this recording was from 1908, Mexico City.
>>> A Victor discography states that the same band, recorded the same piece, in 1907, so I am wondering...
>>> Is it possible that Victor sold the recording to Columbia Records in order to market it outside USA?
>> Nope, certainly not! If there are two companies in this world that NEVER shared/exchanged masters, it's Columbia and Victor!!
>And yet today they're one and the same company (Sony/BMG). Incidentally, there 
>ARE examples of recordings appearing on the "wrong" label, after the EMI 
>formation. Beecham's recording of "Don Quixote" with the New York Philharmonic 
>came out on Victor in the US and Columbia (where he was under contract) in 
>England and a couple of Gracie Fields sides appeared on English Columbia and 
>Canadian Victor in 1940 (Gracie was normally on Regal Zonophone at that time).

You're right. But still there's no question of there being no connection at all in 1907-1908 (or at anytime up to 1931). EMI of course changed things a lot.

Chris Zwarg 

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