[78-L] Goodman/Shaw, was Re: no-noTo: "'78-L Mail List'"

David Lewis uncledavelewis at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 23 13:22:19 PDT 2008

My apologies -- I'm having some difficulty adjusting to the new email program; I picked your name out
of a soup of code at the top of the post and thought that you were the author. Please excuse.

Uncle Dave Lewis
uncledavelewis at hotmail.com

From: "Howard Friedman" 
> Back up, I NEVER wrote
>>>Howard wrote:
> I believe anyone who ever played the clarinet will agree Shaw's "Concerto" is a pastiche of trivial, flashy, and easy to play figures designed for audiences impressed by superficial display. And Goodman could out swing Shaw anytime.<<
> I would more inclined to exactly the opposite sentiments.
> Howard

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