Mark Bardenwerper citrogsa at charter.net.invalid
Fri Dec 2 20:16:15 PST 2022

On 11/29/2022 12:15 PM, Marlene Lowenhaupt wrote:
> Thank you for getting back to me. I really am not familiar with your LIST and would like to know if I can let people know about my son selling some of Fred's 78's on Ebay at: wecollecttoomuch on your list or in a newsletter?  Perhaps  a place to put a notice or an ad and a cost?
> If so how would I do this? Is there a website I can go to to get some info about your list,?

Lists by nature are inclusive. Any message that you send is viewable by 
all. So, really, there is not much more you can say here. We will be on 
the lookout. Just remember that there are records that speak to a few 
and those that speak to a general audience. Each of us will be looking 
for those that fit our tastes. Make sure you list by artist and title, 
label and number. We'll find you.

Best of luck and again, our condolences.

We can deluge you with requests that will take up all of your time, but 
the best way to do this is to list them at your comfortable pace. If you 
do not get bites in a few weeks, it's best to let them go to thrift 
shops. We love trolling them too!

Take Care,

Mark L. Bardenwerper, Sr.
Technology...responsibly, thoughtfully

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