[78-L] Oldtimers query

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca.invalid
Wed Apr 3 14:42:34 PDT 2019

Relative newcomer..I joined in 2000.


On 4/3/2019 5:18 PM, Jeffrey Lichtman wrote:
> I joined the list in 1996. I hardly participate any more, though.
> On 4/3/2019 2:13 PM, Donna Halper wrote:
>> On 4/3/2019 2:44 PM, Kristjan Saag wrote:
>>> Doug Elliot posted this on the list two and a half years ago:
>>> --
>>> Still here and mainly lurking (I was the founder of this list back in
>>> 1992  ). Retired now and hoping to spend more time with my 78's.
>> Kurt Nauck is NOT the only person who was on this list in 1998 and is
>> still on it today. I was on it then too, invited by Michael Biel. The
>> original address was indeed a Cornell.edu address, but in late 1998, it
>> changed over to  78-l at MyList.net

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