[78-L] international shipping?

Malcolm malcolm at 78data.com.invalid
Thu Jan 24 10:27:23 PST 2019

And here's the kicker. eBay will not allow the buyer to send the package 
to any address other than the person who bought it on eBay. I was going 
to have the single record shipped to an address in Britain a mere 60 
miles from the originator so it would be included in some other records 
a fellow collector is holding for me. Since it was in-country it would 
have cost me around $4.00 US! But no, eBay won't allow that. They also 
will not allow any adjustment to their set shipping price.
Highway robbery it is.
However, the seller is holding another record I want which closes in a 
couple of days so if I win it that should bring down the shipping price 
for each record to a more reasonable level. We shall see.
Malcolm R


On 1/24/2019 7:17 AM, David Lennick wrote:
> Wow. I've heard about this elsewhere (on the Feetsbook pages)..certainly not
> encouraging, although I always saw ludicrous shipping costs for anything I won
> from England or Europe and tried to get them piggybacked on items I knew were
> already being shipped to Canada by having them sent to those people.
> And I stopped eBay selling altogether when I was no longer travelling to the US
> where I could send stuff cheapo from Lewiston. A record or a 78 album sent from
> Canada runs $25-35 or more if it's safely packed, so fuggedaboudit.
> dl
> On 1/24/2019 12:13 PM, Malcolm wrote:
>> I don't think I've see this mentioned here before, and I may be the only
>> one on the planet that didn't know about it since I don't have Facebook,
>> but here goes. I recently found a 78 on eBay that I wanted and won the
>> auction. Record sold for a very nice price and it's in England. Turns
>> out there's some kind of shipping agreement eBay, as a business, has
>> with Britain and, I am assuming, most other international sellers.
>> Turns out there's a good reason for the low seller's price. The shipping
>> for one 78 now costs me almost $25 USD. My well priced record now
>> becomes a high priced one. The terms are called the "eBay.com Global
>> Shipping Program" with an effective date of Sept. 12, 2014. You can go
>> here to see it:
>> https://pages.ebay.com/shipping/globalshipping/buyer-tnc.html
>> I am royally shocked. I have paid for and received 78s from Europe and
>> Britain since 2014 and never been hit so hard for shipping. Maybe it's
>> because I bought from individuals and the terms of the eBay agreement do
>> not seem to apply there.
>> This program stifles international commerce on a small scale (I'm sure
>> there are nice breaks for wholesale or bulk buyers/sellers) and is
>> seemingly discriminatory. Instead of promoting international trade it
>> effectively stifles it. The swine.
>> So, no more records for me from anywhere except the good ol' Ewe Ess Ay!
>> Comments?
>> Malcolm R
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