[78-L] KBS Transcriptions, and more

Malcolm malcolm at 78data.com.invalid
Sat Mar 18 10:03:27 PDT 2017

Thanks to everyone who has already chimed in.
I am working up a discog of Hawaiian transcriptions along the same lines 
as my Hawaiian 78 discog, so dates of operation and histories of the 
various labels are of prime importance right now, as well as 
recording/release dating guides, if they can be located.

Here's a list of the labels I have already encountered:

AFRS- Armed Forces Radio Service (16”)

AFRTS- Armed Forces Radio & Television Service (12” & 16”)

AT- Associated Transcriptions () (Associated Program Service) (by Muzak)

BBC- British Broadcasting Company ()

Biddick- Walter Biddick Company ()

BPS- Broadcasters Program Syndicate ()

Cap- Capitol Records () (c. 1942 - ??) currently owned by UMG (2017)

CBS- Columbia Recording Corporation (by CBS) ()

D&S- Davis & Schwegler (16”)

F-L- Freeman-Lang ()

HI- Harmony Isle (16”)

HTV- Here’s To Vets ()

KBS- Keystone Broadcasting System, Inc. (16”) (c. 1939 - ??) KBS first 
used c. 12/01/40

but registered 08/04/42, in Chicago

KRS- KRS Transcription Production, Hilo, Hawaii (12”)

Lang-Worth- Lang-Worth (Langlois & Wentworth, Inc.) ()

Mac- MacGregor (16”)

Muzak- Muzak () - see Associated Transcriptions

Philco- Philco ()

PPS- Planned Program Service (16”)

RCA- RCA Victor ()

SSR- Special Services Record - (US) War Department (16”)

Std- Standard Program Library

(Standard Radio Transcription Services, Inc., Hollywood, CA) (16”)

Thes- (RCA) Thesaurus (16”) - by Radio Recording Division of NBC

UTS- United Transcription Service (16”) - Canada

VP- Veterans Program ()

WBS- World Feature Library

(World Broadcasting System, Inc.) (16”) - by Decca

This is probably incomplete; these are the labels I have encountered so far.
I've only been at this project for a year or two and am researching it 
in conjunction with the Hawaiian historian/collector, John Marsden, in 
the UK.
Any help gratefully accepted, and you'll be thanked in print if and when 
the discog is actually published!
Oh, one more thing, it would be helpful to know which labels produced 
vertical (hill and dale) issues, as opposed to those labels that 
recorded laterally.

Thanks again,
Malcolm R


On 3/18/2017 6:17 AM, Julian Vein wrote:
> On 18/03/17 00:12, Malcolm wrote:
>> Do we have someone on the list who's up on on transcription discs,
>> specifically KBS (Keystone) 16" radio transcriptions?
>> Malcolm R
>> _______________________________________________
> Wally Heider's "Transcography" lists some KBS by artists and titles. No
> personnel or dates though.
>        Julian Vein
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