[78-L] Old cowboy song...

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca.invalid
Sat Dec 10 20:19:41 PST 2016

To me it sounds like all of those "On the 18th day of November" ballads where 
someone ends up d-a-y-e-d dead.


On 12/10/2016 11:09 PM, Joe Salerno wrote:
> To me, it resembles Red River Valley harmonically. But then, a lot of
> songs might do so as well. I doubt that helps much.
> Joe Salerno
> On 12/10/2016 7:41 PM, Graham Newton wrote:
>> Howdy pardner...
>> This is important for my 90+ year old aunt who recently lost her husband, the
>> love of her life.  He wasn't a singer but he has left a cassette of a few songs
>> that he sung with no identification of titles or anything like that.
>> With the help of Google and some of my references, I've been able to ID
>> everything BUT this one which remains.
>> It is incomplete, starting just into the song but is complete from there on.
>> It's conceivable that the tune may be known by something other than the words
>> that accompany this, so any suggestions are welcomed.
>> It is on my web site, so click on it and see if it rings any bells for you!
>> http://www.audio-restoration.com/Jean_Sherman.WAV
>> Any leads would be appreciated
>> ... Graham Newton
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