[78-L] who made it?

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca.invalid
Mon Nov 7 14:00:41 PST 2016

The movie is set in 1959 so this machine would have been correct.


On 11/7/2016 4:54 PM, Malcolm wrote:
> Thanks, Dave!
> Malcolm
> *******
> On 11/7/2016 8:40 AM, David Lennick wrote:
>> http://www.pinrepair.com/arcade/voice.htm
>> dl
>> On 11/7/2016 12:29 PM, Malcolm wrote:
>>> Yesterday I was watching the 1973 film, "Badlands" starring Charlie
>>> Sheen and Cissy Spacek, when about 20 minutes in our hero makes a record
>>> in an instantaneous recording booth and it shows him selecting the
>>> speed. There are two recording speeds - 78 and 45rpm. That surprised me.
>>> I remember the booths from Coney Island when I was a kid, but not that
>>> you got to choose the recording speed. Who made these machines?
>>> You can find the scene I'm speaking of on YouTube, but it might not show
>>> the full screen.
>>> Here's the trailer with a clearer picture (at 1:10 in):
>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcFx06cBmbk
>>> You'll have to find the release version to see the entire one minute clip.
>>> Malcolm
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