[78-L] Lousy on 78s- great as reissue

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca.invalid
Mon Apr 11 14:40:06 PDT 2016

Just clarifying..I've produced CD reissues of some of this same material (for VAI, Pearl, Lys/Dante, Naxos and other labels) so I know where the side breaks are. As well as how good or bad some of the original 78s sound. And how poor some of the first LPs can be if they were working from second generation 16" lacquers..I think this had to be the case in some instances, especially if they had tricky joins to do and didn't want to wear out their primary source. (There are some recordings that never made it to lp and never even got a second mastering on 78, like the Busch Chamber Players' Grosse Fuge, and I wonder if one of the original transcription discs might have been damaged or broken....)
There are some very quiet early 40s Columbia pressings where you can hear the 33rpm lacquer noise! Found this on a couple of Guiomar Novaes sides.


> To: 78-l at klickitat.78online.com
> Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2016 17:26:08 -0400
> From: dlennick at sympatico.ca.invalid
> Subject: Re: [78-L] Lousy on 78s- great as reissue
> That's how Columbia recorded everything beginning in late 1939, although I suspect that the very first sessions in Cleveland were recorded simultaneously to 78 and 33 since those 78s sound very good. They began making 33rpm masters in 1946 and since tape wasn't in use yet, they did indeed have to do those dubs carefully and didn't always match the joins perfectly. All things considered, some of those lps sound pretty fabulous..and better than when they DID use tape in a few cases. I've been producing classical reissues since 1993 and there are some Columbia lps where I can't detect the crossovers. (And there are some stinkers WITH tape..pitch changes, chopped notes, one too many notes.)
> dl
> > Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2016 14:08:29 -0700
> > To: 78-l at klickitat.78online.com
> > From: sworth at vintageip.com.invalid
> > Subject: [78-L] Lousy on 78s- great as reissue
> > 
> > 
> > The Rodzinski Walkure Act 3 with Traubel was recorded in whole 78 length takes to 33 1/3 transcription disk and then dubbed back to 78. I have both the 78s and the earliest LP release at the beginning of Long Play records (in coarse groove) and there is no comparison. The LP sounds full and modern, and the 78s sound dismal. The only problem with the LP is that they had to do the side joins on the fly DJ style, and some of them get a little bit off beat until the cross fade ends.
> > 
> > Stephen Worth
> > sworth at vintageip.com
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