[78-L] Acoustic v. radio

Elizabeth McLeod lizmcl at midcoast.com.invalid
Wed Jan 13 09:52:51 PST 2016

Put me down for one of those -- I can paypal if you like, and might even be
able to identify the bad drama for you.


On 1/13/16 8:59 AM, "David Lennick" <dlennick at sympatico.ca.invalid> wrote:

> I've put together 4 CDs of 1923-32 airchecks and test recordings including
> everything I borrowed from Jim Hadfield in the early 90s (line recordings of
> the New York Philharmonic, the Associated Glee Clubs on WEAF, some
> unidentified dance orchestras, some bits of bad drama), two almost complete
> Whispering Jack Smith programs and other goodies. I listed them on Facebook
> groups but keep forgetting there are luddites over here, so drop me a request
> for the list if you're interested. $20 +$5 shipping. (In Canada, we'll accept
> beaver pelts.)
> dl
>> Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2016 08:20:44 -0500
>> To: 78-l at klickitat.78online.com
>> From: lizmcl at midcoast.com.invalid
>> Subject: Re: [78-L] Acoustic v. radio
>> The carbon microphones of the twenties had a thin sound, with fair midrange,
>> comparatively little bass, and a noticeable hiss. Listening to a broadcast
>> originating from such a microphone on a regenerative receiver, thru
>> high-impedance metal-diaphragm headphones, was not too far removed from the
>> sound quality you'd get on a telphone. A horn speaker used the same type of
>> receiver element as the headphones, and introduced horn resonances to the
>> mix. 
>> Radio sound quality took a tremendous jump in the late twenties with the
>> introduction of the condenser microphone and the electro-dynamic field coil
>> cone speaker, both of which got rid of the tinny quality and made
>> reproduction far more lifelike than anything previously available.
>> Elizabeth
>> On 1/12/16 6:16 PM, "Julian Vein" <julianvein at blueyonder.co.uk.invalid>
>> wrote:
>>> How did early radio sound compare with acoustic recordings?
>>>        Julian Vein
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