[78-L] Dick Robertson

Julian Vein julianvein at blueyonder.co.uk.invalid
Thu Nov 12 23:42:34 PST 2015

On 13/11/15 04:38, Taylor Bowie wrote:
> Yeah,  I have several Victor Young Deccas with vocals credited to "Donald
> King" and they are all Dick Robertson.
> Taylor
Just to complicate things, there is a vocalist who recorded with 
McKinney's Cotton Pickers, who is credited as "Donald King", who is not 
Dick Robertson. To complicate things even more there are two vocalists 
so credited, the later one sounding a bit "countrified" like Robertson, 
but it's not him either! So, if one is the genuine article, the other 
one isn't!

      Julian Vein

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