[78-L] Help identifying these people...

Kristjan Saag saag at telia.com.invalid
Wed Jul 8 09:34:11 PDT 2015

Looks like The Foursome:

On 2015-07-08 16:04, Iñigo Cubillo wrote:
> Could you help a despised 78 collector?
> Here is a photo (in reverse, note the Brunswick Records advert at the back)
> of Cole Porter with an unidentified vocal group...
> Dan Langan and Dennis Rooney informed they are The Foursome.
> http://www.coleportersessions.com/content_images/B_684_NL/c1.jpg
> Anyone knows the names of these men? The tall one before the mic has
> something familiar to me...
> Thanks,
> Iñigo Cubillo
> Madrid, SPAIN
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