[78-L] Lil and Louis

Michel Essevaz-Roulet michel at essevaz-roulet.net.invalid
Sat Jan 31 01:08:50 PST 2015

Don't worry.  Can we consider that in Lousiana, "Louis" was a name pronounced 
for a long time and that the French practices can be useful to light the 
Now in France we say "Lew-ee". My granfather was called "Lew-ee" but my 
grandmother, his wife, always called him "Lew-is"...

Le 31/01/2015 03:48, Cary Ginell a écrit :
> I think that's why Wynton and his gang insisted on Lew-iss for Burns' "Jazz" program.
> Cary
>> On Jan 30, 2015, at 3:51 PM, DAVID BURNHAM <burnhamd at rogers.com.invalid> wrote:
>> I don't know if the correctness is political, but I agree that perhaps Mr. Armstrong felt that "Louie" was a bit demeaning and wanted to educate his fans that his proper name is Louis.  In "Hello Dolly", he puts great emphasis on the pronounciation of his name and, of course, that line or anything like it isn't even in the original song.
>> db
>>      On Friday, January 30, 2015 6:34 PM, Julian Vein <julianvein at blueyonder.co.uk.invalid> wrote:
>>> On 30/01/15 22:15, Randy Watts wrote:
>>>    Seems that in recent years, though, I usually hear "Lew-is" when his name is mentioned in the media.
>> ================
>> I suspect there's an element of political correctness going on here. I
>> recall one avant garde jazz musician referring to King Oliver not as
>> "Joe Oliver", but as "Joseph Oliver", presumably as a way of giving
>> respectability to jazz musicians. And years ago Johnny Dankworth started
>> referring to himself as "John".
>>        Julian Vein
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